I hadn't seen any of the previews for Wolfman before I went. Maybe that was for the best because even without it, the story was predictable and slow. I did appreciate a few aspects of the film.
- Anthony Hopkins does a fantastic job, as usual, playing the reclusive and impulsive father. I like Emily Blunt more every time see her.
- It was refreshing not to see another modern day werewolf story. I'm a bit over it already. I don't know why I like Victorian England. Most of the passions that drive me or that have helped make me into what I am right now would not jive in that environment.
- I liked that they took the classic spin on the wolfman by making him just a really hairy man with fangs rather than something that looks more like the upright Egyptian jackal representations.
Yeah I heard it wasn't all that great. It's not one I was interested in seeing anyway so that's okay.
Yeah. I wish I would have seen something else.
But I still get to see Percy Jackson today! I think :(
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