Monday, March 01, 2010

February Wrap-Up

The year is flying by so quickly! Already another month gone.  I have a warm fuzzy feeling about February, but I think that's because it ended better than it started. 
  • Read 4 books: He's Just not that Into You, and three of the four books in Larissa Ione's Daemonica Series.  I muscled through three-quarters of Love in the Time of Cholera, but I definitely was trudging along. I think Amanda has the right idea and it should be abandoned.  My perfectionist nature doesn't want to let it go unfinished, but I really don't want to go back to it.  I just finished the fourth book of Ione's series, so a review of that will go up soon.
  • Made lots of progress on the debt home front.  Car is paid off and now attacking the second mortgage. Still fortunate to have gotten a raise with the current economy. I need to be more cognizant of how I spend my money. So I'll be watching that closer in the upcoming months. 
  • Wrote more words this month!  Another 12k to the total.  I was trying to make it to 15k and finish the NaNo Novel, but that didn't happen.  I think 12k is a good goal number.  10k was too doable, and 15k is a little further of a stretch than I had thought.  Again, I did a fair share of the words on the blog, still around 55%.  I'm so close to the ending of the NaNo novel that it's irritating. 
  • Raced well!  The first trail run was a success, though I'm still hurting from the second trail run. I have learned my lesson: be much more discerning when signing up for another trail run.  Looking back at my training log, I was less consistent this month. A couple weeks were good; a couple weeks had nothing. My schedule is getting tweaked a bit starting in March, so I'm hoping that will help.  
  • I upped my artsy quotient this month with a concert at Luna and seeing Rosencrantz and Gildenstern Are Dead with the girls.  I'm now re-reading Hamlet because I'm not sure how I feel about an actor's take on their character and want to formulate my own opinion before I comment on it.  Look for the review soon!
  • Cooking skills were definitely worked this month.  Valentine's Day dinner was a blast.  Homemade doughnuts went over well at work!   Loved making salads in class; mine turned out awesome. I killed at making the sauces in class. I am not doing a very good job of feeding myself.  I tended to eat more fast food than real food.  That goes along with my spending comments above.  My sister has given me a new mantra to help with this goal: "Cut that s**t out!"  
  • Had a little breakdown in the middle of the month, but got through it.  I think it helped me grow some and realize some things.  I'm a hyper-planner and a dreamer, so I'm dreaming of life a few years from now.  It's not really conducive to living in the moment.
Again, a month well lived.  I realize now how much I actually did in February- and how much fun I had at the movies, runs, write-ins, girl chats, everything.  The time between drags and stalls, but looking back, those bright lights are going to be the things I remember.

I know there are still more bright lights to come this year.  


B Mari Landgrebe said...

Yay for a good February! Mine was sort of the same - sucky until the very end, when everything just got awesome lol.

Hope you recover quickly from that last trail run!


Amanda said...

My February kind of sucked altogether until the last two days, which were lovely. And I did like the interpretation of Hamlet - I'm one for personalized interpretations in plays. I love when the actors find their own groove!

Ann said...

Yeah, I'm still formulating my opinion. He did a good job with his decision. I didn't remember Hamlet being that off kilter.

Faith said...

Your sister has a good mantra. I learned, watching my cousins, how good it is to eat lots of fruits and veggies, and totally changed the way I eat, because it impressed me so much! I never eat less that 1500 calories a day, and those calories are loaded with salad, vegetables, etc. I've also been drinking two cups of water, about 15-20 minutes before the meal. This helps me eat less and realize when I'm full. And, after eating a proper amount, if I'm still hungry, I eat more veggies, not other junk. Congrats on all the hard work, Ann!